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Ding Dong! March 2024

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Author: Lynsey Walden

It’s been a while, hasn’t it? But we are back!! We’ve got a new website to show off and we’re like the kid on the first day of school. Just like when you get that new notebook and you want your handwriting to be perfect, we wanted to welcome in our new website with some great content – and what better content is there than a brand new Ding Dong? Yes, it may have been three years since the last one, but the reality is we’ve just been a bit busy.

So if we just timewarp from December 2022 to March 2024 and it’s like nothing ever happened right…?

And 2024 has indeed got off to a kicking start at FD HQ – we’ve launched a new website for starters! We also have a brand-new logo and all new brand colours. While we are still the same Front Door Comms that we started with in 2017, we’ve had to evolve a bit and to reflect that, we now have a palette of brand colours and a logo that’s dead sophisticated. The idea being that you will see this logo and think, “wow, these guys are the right people to look after my brand too!”

But in all seriousness, we could not be more proud of the new look. We think it reflects seven year old us perfectly – as a company that’s grown organically and is really happy to be here. We had to do some hardcore brand chat as part of this which I’m sure many businesses will have done before and will do again. And while it can be excruciatingly painful to talk about your brand values, it does actually help you figure out where you’re going and why. We’re lucky enough that we’ve not really had to think about it until now but it had to happen at some point. So grab a bourbon and a cup of tea, and take a look around. And then, if the mood takes you, send it onto someone who’s looking for a really good PR / content and digital agency to work with.

But moving onto our client work and what we’ve been up to, there’s a lot to update on. This month we’ve been doing some work for Epilepsy Action Cymru, who are campaigning for more Epilepsy nurses (ESNs) to be available in Wales. With more than 30,000 people with epilepsy in Wales, some of whom are having to wait a year or more to see a neurologist. So on Jan 31st, the team went to the Senedd and the Welsh Department for Health to campaign for the provision of more ESNs across Wales, the organisation has also introduced a counselling service to support people living with epilepsy and their loved ones. With FD Comms supporting from a PR perspective, we helped to get their voices heard on national TV and radio, raising awareness of the amazing work that the team does.

We have also been ripping up a storm in the national newspapers this month for voucher website, MyVoucherCodes. These guys did some research on Valentine’s Day and found that 69% of people don’t celebrate at all, while the average amount spent was a very romantic £38.72. The Front Door team sent this story out to the papers and got some lovely coverage in Mail Online, The Independent, the Sun, the Express and the Star.

We’ve also been flying high in 2024 with our brand spanking new client, Acro. Acro manufacture aircraft seating and we’ve been retained by these seating wizards to look after their PR and social media presence….more news on this winging its way to you soon. (We make no apologies for these awful puns, it’s our job after all).

With 2024 firmly underway at Front Door, we’re excited to show you a slightly older, more mature version of our brand…albeit still providing the same service we always have done for our clients. If you want to know more, please get in touch as we do love a chat.

Love, the Front Door Team

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