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Do you need a press office?

Do you need a press office?

A well-run press office is one of the most important parts of any PR function but maybe the least talked about. In new business pitches, PR agencies will always talk about their successful campaigns but rarely mention their press office work – although it’s arguably one of the most important bits to get right in … Continued

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SEO trends and predictions: The latest for 2024

SEO trends and predictions: The latest for 2024

The world of SEO isn’t static – it changes all the time. Google is constantly issuing new updates which tweak and refine the functionality of search. This often creates a little chaos as SEOs discover how best to leverage the changes into increased visibility and improved search rankings. On top of this, new technology and … Continued

Meet Francesca Davies-Ruocco!

Meet Francesca Davies-Ruocco!

We’ve welcomed a new face to Front Door and she’s well overdue an introduction, having already hit the ground running with a number of successful campaigns for our lovely clients! Meet Francesca Davies-Ruocco, our resident social media guru and sports aficionado who gives us an insight into what her time with FD Comms has been … Continued

Ding Dong! March 2024

Ding Dong! March 2024

It’s been a while, hasn’t it? But we are back!! We’ve got a new website to show off and we’re like the kid on the first day of school. Just like when you get that new notebook and you want your handwriting to be perfect, we wanted to welcome in our new website with some … Continued

The out of office email – is it one of your underused marketing channels?

The out of office email – is it one of your underused marketing channels?

The out of office reply is widely heralded at Front Door Comms as one of the best inventions ever. It allows you to walk away from your PC and go on holiday knowing that whatever arrives in your inbox, it will be answered immediately. The recipient has a range of options they can use to … Continued

Marketing trends that never took off

Marketing trends that never took off

…but should they have been given more of a shot? Finding the right way to communicate your business message across the world is something that every business would like to do well. But, depending on who you want to target and how, the options can be mind-boggling. At the time of writing, there are 103 … Continued

How do you deal with a PR crisis on social media?

How do you deal with a PR crisis on social media?

When big news breaks, it first hits you not as a story or even as a headline, but as a hashtag. In a world where your business is at the mercy of the social media bandwagon, how do you contain the spread of bad news and handle a potential PR disaster? When the inhabitants of … Continued

Failed social media channels: In memoriam

Failed social media channels: In memoriam

It’s hard to remember when we weren’t glued to our smartphones or spending more time than we should be curating our idealistic digital lives. For some, that turning point came with the launch of Facebook or Twitter. For others, it began with befriending Tom, MySpace’s co-founder and virtual ‘friend’ to all on the platform. Since … Continued

4 steps to help you measure social media success

4 steps to help you measure social media success

If you’ve been keeping track of our recent blog posts on the social platforms that will help you succeed in reaching new customers (and those that won’t), you’re likely well on your way to creating a winning social strategy. Utilising these tools is all well and good. Still, it’s a wasted effort if you’ve not put in the … Continued

Instagram vs reality: Is working in PR as glam as it seems?

Instagram vs reality: Is working in PR as glam as it seems?

The difference between social media and real life is a hot topic at the moment, and it’s become all too clear that the sunny snaps we present online don’t always represent the full picture of our lives. We’re not here to talk about makeup filters or unrealistic holiday snaps, though – instead, let’s look at … Continued

Clients are from Mars, agencies are from Venus.

Clients are from Mars, agencies are from Venus.

A good working relationship between a client and its agency is the dream, but it doesn’t always happen sadly. In fact, a survey conducted by Marketing Week found that just 8% of clients said they were “very satisfied” with their agency partners. Admittedly this survey was a while ago now, (2016) but there weren’t any … Continued

Why I’m not worried that ChatGPT might put me out of a job just yet.

Why I’m not worried that ChatGPT might put me out of a job just yet.

Rubie Barker joins the team as an Account Executive

Meet Rubie!

Meet Rubie!

Rubie Barker joins the team as an Account Executive